Well, it’s like this…

Day 32

Well, it’s like this…

I spent the morning with my Russian drusjkis (pals), Dmitri “Paul” Poliakoff and Georgey “Gera” Alexeev. I love these guys — they are full of Jesus and a ton of fun. They left my house a little past noon; Paul is ministering in St. Louis tomorrow and Gera is ministering in Chicago.

As I type this I’m listening to Songs From the Other Side of The World by Gerasim & Parks (a.k.a Drusjki) — Gera’s latest album. I love it! It’s all in Russian, but it blesses my spirit.

After they left I came to my study to prepare for tomorrow’s message on the miracle ministry of Jesus. I just got done. It’s past 8:00 now. Tomorrow is Day Light Savings Time Sunday (Spring forward!). So, you know what? I’m going home. I owe you a blog on my thoughts from John 5 and 6. I’ll do two tomorrow after church.

Expect Miracles!



Happy Faith Day!

That’s what I call April 1. It was 20 YEARS AGO TODAY that God spoke to me in my despair and said, “Preach faith and your church will grow.”

I did and it did.

God is good.