Planet Romonapa
“No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain cannot be denied—
it speaks in silence to the very core of your being.” -Ansel Adams
It’s that time of year again. Time for our annual summer sojourn on Planet Romonapa. That’s what we call our beloved Rocky Mountain National Park. We’re in shape and ready to hike, climb, backpack and camp in the high country. I look forward to our annual family vacation in Rocky Mountain National Park all year long. It restores my soul in a way I cannot fully explain.
Here are some pictures from our vacation on Planet Romonapa last year.
The Loch
Above Haiyaha
The Spearhead. Philip and I hope to climb the Spearhead this year.
The Spearhead shrouded in mystery
Frozen Lake
Caleb above Ouzel Falls.
Andrew’s Tarn
Philip on Desolation Peaks
The second summit on Desolation Peaks
Blue Lake
Peri, Caleb and Ashlie at Andrew’s Glacier
Peri, Caleb, Aaron and Philip
Climbing Long Peak
The Homestretch on Longs Peak
With Joe Beach on the summit of Longs Peak
A house on my back
Home Sweet Home
Verdant Forest
Black Lake
Gorge Lakes
This picture is not mine; it was taken by my friend and professional photographer Erik Stensland.
My heart’s in the Highlands at the break of dawn
By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan
Big white clouds, like chariots that swing down low
Well my heart’s in the Highlands
Only place left to go
-Bob Dylan