The Cross is a Scandal on Every Level
The Cross is a Scandal on Every Level
The Cross is a scandal on every level
A king with a crown of thorns
A death march processional
Acclamation by insult
It’s a macabre coronation
The Cross is a scandal on every level
You say he won a war?
You can’t win a war that way
You have to kill to win a war
Who could win a war that way?
The Cross is a scandal on every level
Love your enemy
Forgive your enemy
Reconcile your enemy
Whoever heard such madness?
The Cross is a scandal on every level
“Take up your cross and follow me”
No one would ever sign up for that
Promise me pleasure and riches
Don’t bid me come and die
The Cross is a scandal on every level
We’re promised glory and we’re given this
A kingdom to come and we get that
The glorious kingdom of a crucified king?
We want gold and silver, success and splendor
The Cross is a scandal on every level
Pharaoh did it first
Alexander did it great
Caesar did it best
But not a crucified conqueror
The Cross is a scandal on every level
Give us sword and shield
Something we can win with
Not outstretched arms
And a pierced side
The Cross is a scandal on every level
No wonder the followers fled
What is there left to follow?
It’s the ultimate dead end
It’s common sense to run from that
The Cross is a scandal on every level
You say it’s the road that leads to life?
It’s quite obvious it’s the way of death
And when you’re dead the story ends
Unless you believe what the silly women said