Scripture as Witness to the Word of God
Scripture as Witness to the Word of God
Brian Zahnd
To begin with a few axiomatic thoughts on Christ and the Bible…
The Bible is the word of God that bears witness to the Word of God — Jesus Christ.
The Logos-Word became flesh — not a book.
Jesus is God. The Bible is not.
The Bible did not create the Heavens and Earth — the Word (Christ) did.
We worship Jesus; we do not worship the Bible.
The Bible is not a member of the Trinity.
The Bible is not God. Jesus is God.
The Bible is not perfect. (There are parts of it we now regard as obsolete; e.g. Levitical codes.)
Christ is the perfection of God as a human being.
What the Bible does infallibly is point us to Jesus Christ.
There is one mediator between God and man…and it’s not the Bible.
The Bible is the inspired witness to the true Word of God who is Jesus Christ.
Now consider this…
The first Sunday after Christmas the Gospel reading was John 1:1-18. As I heard the Gospel read it occurred to me that the role John the Baptist played as the divinely sent witness to the Light is precisely how we should view Scripture in relation to Christ. Allow me to reproduce the reading, but I will substitute John the Baptist with Holy Scripture.
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