All posts in atheism

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1918-2008

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn died August 3 at the age of 89. Solzhenitsyn was a Russian author, political dissident, social critic, and one of the great thinkers and writers of the 20th century. Time magazine called his Gulag Archepleago, “the most important book of the 20th century.” In 1970 he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his, One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich. Personally, I regard his commencement address at Harvard University on June 8, 1978 as one of the most prophetic events of the 20th century. In his address, A World Split Apart, Solzhenitsyn argues that the only hope for the future of western civilization is a spiritual awakening. Here is a portion of the Harvard address. I urge you to read it thoughtfully and perceive how prophetic it was then and remains today.
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  • Knowing and Believing

    Unless I see…I will not believe.

    Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.

    The fig trees are budding
    The vines are in blossom
    How delicious they smell
    Rise up my love, my beautiful one
    Come with me
    Song of Songs

    People are often confused about knowing and believing.

    The atheist and agnostic will say to the believer, “You don’t know there is a God, you believe there is a God” — as if that were, aha, gotcha!

    Believers (yes, they are called believers, not knowers) often try to up the ante by saying something like, “I don’t believe, I know!”

    There is some confusion going on here.

    Let’s see if we can make some sense of it
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  • Letter to an Atheist

    The following is a letter to an atheist friend. I sent it moments ago. It is a real letter to a real person. The following is exactly what I wrote, with only one word omitted.

    Dear Tim,

    You’re probably right about the weak points in ______’s book. I honestly think many of your points are valid.

    Still I would like to talk to you for a moment about God. Not condescendingly, you deserve better than that, but from my heart. Please allow me to have my say.

    Is there a God?

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  • Atheism

    Warning: Long Blog (take your time).

    I’m in Sydney, Australia. I’ve been ministering at Hillsong Church. I preached six times this weekend and I felt like things went very well. I also had a wonderful time getting to know Paul Scanlon, Pastor of Abundant Life Church in Bradford, England, Gary Clark, pastor of Hillsong London, Zhenya Kasevich, pastor of Hillsong Kiev and Brendan White, pastor of Hillsong Paris along with many other leaders in the Hillsong movement. It really was a precious time of fellowship and forging new relationships.

    So I don’t know why I felt a little sad today. I thought perhaps I was just ready to come home.
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