I need a skeptic. Perhaps you are one. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you could invite a thoughtful skeptic to participate in my thought experiment.
I respectfully address myself to thoughtful skeptics. Think with me…
If it was true that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead in the manner reported in the Gospels (i.e. not merely a temporary resuscitation, but an ultimate triumph over death), would you be willing to believe in Jesus as divine in at least some fashion?
If you answer no, are you saying that the resurrection of Jesus is inconsequential whether it is true or not?
If you answer yes, then in what way would you expect the knowledge of Jesus’ resurrection in the first century to reach you in the twenty-first century? In other words, what evidence would you accept as a credible witness to this historical event? Will you accept a credible historical witness?
If not, what evidence will you accept? If you say something on the order of God writing in the sky or shouting from the heavens, then it seems to me that you are requiring yet another miracle in order to believe the first miracle. It seems you are in effect saying you require something other than a resurrection from the dead in order to believe in Jesus. Is this the case?
Are you in fact saying, “Even if Jesus was raised from the dead, I would never believe it?” Is this a fair representation of your position?
I am genuinely curious.
(The painting is Melancholy by Edvard Munch)